City of Las Vegas Office of Sustainability | OETV ESG Interview Series
This episode of the OETV ESG Interview Series highlights Net Zero Conversations - a new series featured on OETV, hosted by Jane Goodland, Group Head of Sustainability at LSEG - and MIT Sloan Management Review's publication, “Why Business Integrity Can Be a Strategic Response to Ethical Challenges” - exploring embedded governance practices as a source of strategic advantage.
Sasha Chasen interviews Marco Velotta, Planning Project Manager and member of the City of Las Vegas Office of Sustainability, discussing the City's role as a national leader in environmental sustainability - including the City's Strategy for Community Resilience, Net-Zero Energy, and Sustainability and 2050 Master Plan - as well as the fiscal, economic, and social planning process involved with incentivizing and investing in effective, long-term sustainable...
Marco Velotta, AICP, Planning Project Manager, City of Las Vegas Office of Sustainability
Marco Velotta, MS, AICP, LEED Green Assoc. is a Planning Project Manager and member of the City of Las Vegas Office of Sustainability. He graduated from the University of Nevada in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science in Geography, Math minor and a Masters in City Planning in 2008. Marco leads the management and implementation of the City's Strategy for Community Resilience, Net-Zero Energy, and Sustainability to conserve and reduce the City’s consumption of energy, water, and waste by overseeing renewable energy, energy efficiency, water conservation, recycling, and alternative transportation efforts. As a part of the Planning Department’s Long Range Planning Division, he works on citywide plans and led the development of the City of Las Vegas 2050 Master Plan, a thirty year vision for the future of Las Vegas. He also works on a variety of programs, including Nevada's first Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program, climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, EV charging infrastructure, TOD planning for future high capacity transit, bicycle infrastructure development, and the development of a form-based zoning code for Downtown Las Vegas. Marco is the Professional Development Officer of the American Planning Association’s Nevada Chapter.
Sasha Chasen, OETV ESG Host, OpenExchange