The Green Opportunity in Energy Security | Net Zero Conversations
LSEG’s Group Head of Sustainability Jane Goodland speaks to Sagarika Chatterjee, GFANZ/UN Climate Change Champion’s Finance Lead, to discuss the roadmap towards net zero and the critical role that governments and the finance community have to play in climate action.
The conversation focuses on the broader sustainability issues around fossil fuels, and how energy security provides an opportunity to scale up clean energy investment. With further insights into effective target setting, reporting, and how this to be achieved, the discussion sets the scene for 2022 being the year of net-zero implementation.
The Net Zero Conversations series was filmed at the Net Zero Delivery Summit, hosted by the City of London Corporation in association with the COP 26 UK Presidency 2022 and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).
Sagarika Chatterjee, GFANZ/UN Climate Change Champion’s Finance Lead,
Jane Goodland, Group Head of Sustainability, LSEG