ETFs investing in the Metaverse, ESG Equity Screens & Cloud Expansion | ETFguide
In this episode of First Look ETF, Stephanie Stanton at ETFguide explores new ETFs that invest in the metaverse (VERS), offer ESG equity screens (AVSU, AVSD and AVSE) and target the infrastructure behind the digital expansion of the cloud, the Internet and related technological trends (BYTE).
The guest lineup for this episode includes:
- Douglas Yones, ChFC, Head of Exchange Traded Products at NYSE
- Chas Cocke, Founder at BYTE - IO Digital Index Partners
- Phil McInnis, the Chief Investment Strategist at ACI/Avantis
- Scott Helfstein, Executive Director Thematic Investing at ProShares
Douglas Yones, ChFC, Head of Exchange Traded Products, NYSE
Chas Cocke, Founder, BYTE - IO Digital Index Partners
Scott Helfstein, Executive Director Thematic Investing, ProShares
Phil McInnis, Chief Investment Strategist, ACI/Avantis